Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New – DISC Behavioral Assessments Available

What is DISC?

DISC is the universal language of observable human behavior. Scientific research has proven that people, in terms of “how they act” universally, have similar characteristics. By learning these characteristics, we can increase communication and therefore, increase our understanding of each other.

DISC is not a measurement of human intelligence, an indicator of a person’s values, a measurement of skills and experience, or a measurement of education and training. DISC is none of these and yet has an inescapable bearing on all of the above.

DISC is the language of how we act, or our behavior. A person’s behavior is a necessary and integral part of who they are. In other words, much of our behavior comes from “nature” (inherent) and much comes from “nurture” (our upbringing). The DISC model merely analyzes behavioral style; that is, a person’s manner of doing things.

DISC is not a personality test. Personality extends far beyond the scope of the DISC instrumentation. The DISC model measures how we act. That is why it is called a “Behavior Analysis Instrument.”

Why use DISC?

It is very important that you understand yourself in relation to your job, your family and your daily living environment. But for a job seeker, it is important that you know how to incorporate those understandings into your résumé and marketing documents, your interviewing style, and your daily work environment. By identifying your unique traits, you will learn to appreciate the style that is yours and yours alone.

There are several versions of assessments available so that you can choose the one best for you. Don’t you want to learn how to improve your interviewing skills and performance? Knowing who you are, why you should be hired and being able to effectively communicate this are essential in making your search process easier and more successful.

Available Assessments

  • Career Planning Insights Version - Identifies specific talents and behaviors you as the employee bring to the job. Success and job satisfaction come easier the closer the job matches the natural behavior style. This profile / report offers a system to capitalize on your talents and your potential and continuing value to the organization, including specific job titles most appropriate for the your behavioral style. (***This report is fabulous for job seekers and those in career transition!***)
  • Interviewing Insights Version – General - Enables you to prepare for the interviewing process by displaying your general characteristics, ideal work environment, value to the organization, and interview questions.
  • Interviewing Insights – Sales - Specifically designed for the sales professional.
  • Executive Version - Helps you attain a greater knowledge of yourself as well as others so you may interact most effectively.
  • Management-Staff Version - You are unique and should be managed, coached and supported in a way that capitalizes on your uniqueness in the work environment.
  • Sales Version – You’re a sales professional? Get a broad understanding of your natural sale style and how to adapt that style to give the customer what they want.
  • Time Plus Version - Identifies time wasters that impact individual productivity, possible causes, and offers possible solutions for correcting or eliminating specific time wasters. It allows you the opportunity to develop a powerful new approach to organizing and managing your time.

April Special Offer!

Contact me in April to get your own DISC Behavioral Assessment and get 10% off! This package includes the assessment exam (done online) and a one hour session afterwards to review and discuss the results. This deal is only available in April!

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