Tuesday, December 29, 2009

FREE TELESEMINAR: Setting Goals and Actually Achieving Them

Yes, it's the New Year, and with that comes the dreaded "New Year's Resolutions."

I think I must be one of the few people that love making New Year's Resolutions. Yes, that's right, I actually LOVE making New Year's resolutions. And most years, I even successfully complete many of them! (Even though I'm still working on that nasty "lose the baby weight" one.)

It used to amaze me that people hated making resolutions each year, and complained when they fizzled out by March. I had no idea why that happened to others, but not to me.

Then I had an epiphany.

Those that were not succeeding were were picking New Year's Resolutions they felt they "ought" to do, that they "should" complete. I, however, chose goals that fulfilled me, that pushed me toward my personal vision, that both challenged and motivated me, propelling me toward my definition of success. In short, I had yearly goals that mattered. And on top of that, I had a plan.

I want to help ALL of you find the sort of success that I have found. But let's not call them New Year's resolutions. Let's call them your yearly goals. Isn't that more accurate? Aren't these "resolutions" more about effecting change throughout your whole year, instead of just one day?

This isn't a teleseminar for "job seekers." This is a teleseminar for E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E, everyone who wants to change their upcoming year. This is your chance to start your year with focus and purpose!

We will review brainstorming techniques to create the goals most important to you - what will drive you all year long. We will discuss choosing goals that are both ambitious and attainable.

Then we'll discuss the the HOW. We'll discuss creating a plan and organizing yourself so that your goals become more than meaningless words on a piece of paper. We'll also discuss different "tricks" to keep yourself accountable.

It is MY goal that this particular teleseminar start a national trend of motivated and focused goal setters and "goal accomplishers," excited to live 2010 with clarity of purpose! And yes, at the end of the year, I plan to host a "re-cap" teleseminar for all that participated, so that you can share your successes and your tips with all of us!

As always, I plan to end this teleseminar with special deals JUST for participants! So, be sure to sign up here and mark your calendar! This teleseminar is FREE and OPEN TO EVERYONE, and you are welcome to invite your friends!

January Telesminar: Set Goals and Actually Reach Them!
Date: Thursday, January 7, 2010
Time: 4:00pm, EST
Duration: (1 hour)
Cost: FREE
Register Here: http://www.jsmcareercoaching.com/tele-seminar.html

Talk to you soon!

Julie Mendez, CJSS

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