Tuesday, December 29, 2009
FREE TELESEMINAR: Setting Goals and Actually Achieving Them
I think I must be one of the few people that love making New Year's Resolutions. Yes, that's right, I actually LOVE making New Year's resolutions. And most years, I even successfully complete many of them! (Even though I'm still working on that nasty "lose the baby weight" one.)
It used to amaze me that people hated making resolutions each year, and complained when they fizzled out by March. I had no idea why that happened to others, but not to me.
Then I had an epiphany.
Those that were not succeeding were were picking New Year's Resolutions they felt they "ought" to do, that they "should" complete. I, however, chose goals that fulfilled me, that pushed me toward my personal vision, that both challenged and motivated me, propelling me toward my definition of success. In short, I had yearly goals that mattered. And on top of that, I had a plan.
I want to help ALL of you find the sort of success that I have found. But let's not call them New Year's resolutions. Let's call them your yearly goals. Isn't that more accurate? Aren't these "resolutions" more about effecting change throughout your whole year, instead of just one day?
This isn't a teleseminar for "job seekers." This is a teleseminar for E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E, everyone who wants to change their upcoming year. This is your chance to start your year with focus and purpose!
We will review brainstorming techniques to create the goals most important to you - what will drive you all year long. We will discuss choosing goals that are both ambitious and attainable.
Then we'll discuss the the HOW. We'll discuss creating a plan and organizing yourself so that your goals become more than meaningless words on a piece of paper. We'll also discuss different "tricks" to keep yourself accountable.
It is MY goal that this particular teleseminar start a national trend of motivated and focused goal setters and "goal accomplishers," excited to live 2010 with clarity of purpose! And yes, at the end of the year, I plan to host a "re-cap" teleseminar for all that participated, so that you can share your successes and your tips with all of us!
As always, I plan to end this teleseminar with special deals JUST for participants! So, be sure to sign up here and mark your calendar! This teleseminar is FREE and OPEN TO EVERYONE, and you are welcome to invite your friends!
January Telesminar: Set Goals and Actually Reach Them!
Date: Thursday, January 7, 2010
Time: 4:00pm, EST
Duration: (1 hour)
Cost: FREE
Register Here: http://www.jsmcareercoaching.com/tele-seminar.html
Talk to you soon!
Julie Mendez, CJSS
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Now an affordable Job Seekers' Job Club, with a Certified Job Search Strategist.
Let's talk a little bit about job clubs. I've worked with clients in the past who have said to me, "Oh, I joined a job club." However, when I investigate further, they seem to not get much out of the experience. One client in particular belonged to a very small group of three people which seemed (from our conversations) very unproductive. How can sitting around complaining how hard it is out there help you get a job? No, that is not a job club. That is defined as a whine-fest. Which can be fun, but is not useful in helping you land a job.
What IS a job club? A job club is a supportive environment of many job seekers learning more about job search tactics and aiding and encouraging their compatriots through the process.
A good job club is more than just an accountability group (though, this is an essential element of any job club's success). A good job club is an organic organism, where members actively engage in their own job search process and are actively involved in each other's efforts: as a sounding board, a encouraging voice, and sometimes a motivating push or "loving kick in the pants" as I like to call it.
Why in the world would you want to join a job club? In the article, "For Networking and Support, Join or Start a Job Club," it states:
What ties people in a job club together is the need for mutual support andAnything that can give you a higher percentage of a success rate in this economy is a bonus. Plus, as the above quote states, there is a wonderful thing that happens when you have the ability to share this experience with others, not the least of which is an increase in your daily morale.
encouragement. People who are energized by social situations and tend to
procrastinate the lonely tasks of job-hunting will likely benefit from a job
club. Those who are shy, insecure, or ashamed of having lost a job can get help
from other job club members in overcoming these mental roadblocks. Job club
membership can stave off the depression that sometimes sets in during a protracted job search.
Not only will you feel supported in a job club, but you will probably be more successful than if you went it alone. Those who've been involved with job clubs report that their efforts that are strengthened by belonging to the group and their job searches are shorter. Richard Nelson Bolles, author of the classic What Color is Your Parachute? and a strong proponent of job-seeking support groups, notes an 84 percent success rate when job-search techniques are conducted in groups, compared with a 15 percent lower rate when the same techniques are followed individually.
Why You Want to Join JSM Career Coaching's Job Club
Frankly, I'm not satisfied with hosting a good job club. JSM Career Coaching's job clubs can only be defined as GREAT!
- You will have access to the wealth of knowledge and experience of a Certified Job Search Strategist. Someone who can guide the group through the leading edge of innovative job search tactics that are guaranteed to get results.
- JSM Career Coaching job clubs are "action-oriented." It's all about the "doing" of the job search!
- Groups are fully interactive, encouraging practice and implementation of ideas through exercises, role play, and discussion. Members will both give and receive specific, steady feedback and positive reinforcement.
- Each group (with a maximum of ten participants per group) will be organized around a structured framework that will facilitate a supportive and motivational group environment.
- Participants from across the country can join in via a weekly conference call, allowing for full flexibility and networking for all group members.
- The goal of each group is GRADUATION! We will celebrate as each group member graduates when they receive their job offer.
Who can benefit most by joining? Clients who have already gone through intensive job search coaching sessions will appreciate the chance for accountability and continued growth in a group setting. Other job seekers who have not yet decided on intensive private sessions with a Career Coach will appreciate the chance to learn from an expert while networking with other job seekers. Frankly, we have a place for any job seeker who is willing to join!
The specifics: Each group will begin with a minimum of four job seekers and a maximum of no more than ten. All sessions will be held as weekly teleconferences that will last one hour. Every member will get a chance to speak equally. Different exercises and "homework" will occasionally be assigned, and all group members will be expected to complete these assignments and actively participate so they can receive the full experience of the job club. The job clubs are not for job seekers who are not clear on the type of position or industry, etc. that they are looking for. These job seekers should consider getting individual coaching to help themselves through these steps first.
And yes, finally: The Cost! In order to make this service as affordable as possible, membership in the JSM Career Coaching Job club is just $50 a month.
Interested? Email Julie Mendez at JulieMendez@jsmcareercoaching.com for more information.