Thursday, September 24, 2009

How The Biggest Loser Can Make You a Winner in Your Job Search

Okay, I'm ‘fessing up. I love The Biggest Loser. LOVE it. I've always been a fan of the show, and this season, even though I've only seen two episodes so far, I'm really stoked. I LOVE the show.

While watching the "Week 2" episode today, I thought about how sometimes a job search process can be very much like what these candidates are going through on the show.

The Lessons You Can Learn from The Biggest Loser

1. Not one person out there is immune to needing help. The first step is asking for it.

These contestants weren't picked up at the local mall. To get on this show, you had to apply. You had to turn in a video stating why you deserved to be on this show more than anyone else.

You had to ask for help.

If you are a job seeker, the same rules affect you, too. Finding a job nowadays isn't something done in a vacuum. There are infinite resources and opportunities out there to get help.

If you ask.

2. The "I tried every diet in the book" attitude has gotten them nowhere.

It's not until they get somewhere where they can break their daily cycle, get out of their rut, and try something different that things begin to change for them.

If you are sitting at that computer, WAITING for the perfect job to come to you, only sending resumes to the black hole of job boards; let me ask you in my best Dr. Phil impersonation: "So, how's that working for you?"

Yeah, that's what I thought. That's like sitting on the couch eating takeout while watching The Biggest Loser. You might lose weight, but it'll be because you got lucky.

3. It ain't easy. Sometimes it isn't pretty either. What it is is a lot of hard, sweaty work.

I mean, have you seen this show? These folks are busting their bums to make it to their goal.

And it takes the same drive, effort, and occasional sweat and tears to be successful in your job search. (I'm not talking about the “just getting a paycheck” job. I'm talking about the “career-enhancing, truly following your life's purpose” positions that people don't even think is possible in this economy. But I'm here to tell you, it is!)

4. Have a secret weapon.

Look at these contestants. Every one of them has something similar in their story: "I tried doing this on my own and I can't."

These contestants are blessed with two amazing personal trainers and extraordinary coaches, Jillian and Bob. Not only do the contestants have the benefit and knowledge of these wonderful experts, they also have cheerleaders and two supportive resources who have their back every step of the way.

And Bob and Jillian will NEVER, ever, let these candidates give less than 110% every single minute of the process.

That's the secret weapon in weight loss, and that is the secret weapon in your job search.

Having an expert in your pocket means your job search process will become more like a journey to success instead of a desperate frenzy to accept whatever you can get your hands on.

What kind of voices are whispering in your ear? Do you have a resume writer helping you make the most of your written marketing materials, or a job search coach guiding you through the process? Where are you getting your information informing your job search decisions?


Everyone is so amazed by the monumental weight loss these contestants, and the difference that "the ranch" can make in their lives. I'm not.

If you can learn these four basic lessons from this show, then you too can transform you own life, especially your job search.

First, admit and ask for help. Be willing and open to new ways of thinking about your job search. Put in the daily, daily, daily grind of the work that has to be done. And get qualified, expert help to make your efforts stand above the rest.

Good luck!

Julie Mendez

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