Jason Alba: "What to Do With LinkedIn Recommendations"
One of the points he makes in this article is just so important for job seekers to hear: "As a marketer, what do I do with it??"
He's absolutely right! Once you get those lovely recommendations on your LinkedIn profile, it is time to put them to work!
Here are a couple of ways my clients have utilized their recommendations:
- Right on the resume. - Yes that's right. This is a very stylistic new tool that I've learned through the National Résumé Writers' Association, and I wish I could tell you how effective it has been!
- In cover letters. - Again, another great place to grab a decision maker's attention. Let other people sell them on how fantastic you are!
- Portfolio (hard copy, not online) - If you've worked with me before, you've already heard me talk about your "marketing materials." Think of these as the promotional materials that a salesman would have to help sell his product. Beyond your resume and cover letter, this could include a personal bio, examples of projects and methodology, and you can also use these recommendations to replace those old, tired "Reference Letters" that haven't been updated in years.
- Web Portfolio, other social networking sites. - Managing your online brand is so vital to your job search. Recommendations from others carry much more value than you realize.
Jason also lists a few other suggestions such as your email signature, your business card, and your (professional) blog. All fabulous ideas!
One caveat: In the comments section of this article, several people suggested going back to the original person who gave you the recommendation and asking permission to publish it elsewhere. This is just proper Internet etiquette and I strongly agree with this advice!
Finally, one little shout out to Jason Alba's LinkedIn Training: If you have ever wanted to learn more about LinkedIn, this is the guy to listen to! Check out this website to get his LinkedIn for Job Seekers DVD.